
This project manages dependencies through pyproject.toml 🔗, a Python package metadata file working its way to standardization through PEP 518. pyproject.toml stands to replace a growing set of redundant, confusing, non-standard configuration files:, requirements.txt, setup.cfg,, and Pipfile.


Right now, the premier tool for managing pyproject.toml is Poetry. The generator requires you to have Poetry installed and has instructions in its documentation for installing it.

If you’re familiar with npm or Yarn, Poetry works much the same way. Poetry will create a virtual environment for your project and install your project’s dependencies there, isolated from the virtual environments of other projects.

By default, Poetry will create your virtual environment underneath a cache directory in your home directory, $HOME/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs. You can find this directory by checking your Poetry configuration:

$ poetry config settings.virtualenvs.path

You can configure Poetry to create the virtual environment in your project directory, if you want:

$ poetry config true

The in-project virtual environment directory will be named .venv.

Managing dependencies

When you run the generator, it will install the starting dependencies, but if you clone this project, you must install them yourself:

$ poetry install

Dependencies are grouped. The two most common groups are required (dependencies your code uses at runtime) and development (dependencies your project uses for development, e.g. mypy or pytest). You can add or remove dependencies easily:

$ poetry add requests
$ poetry remove --dev mypy

By default, Poetry will search the Python Package Index (PyPI) for the latest versions of the dependencies you name. To find out how to search other package repositories or how to search for specific versions, consult the Poetry documentation.

Default dependencies

By default, the generator does not install any required dependencies, but it does install a set of development dependencies, explained here.

Package Reason
mypy Type-checking.
pylint Static analysis and PEP 8 (code style) conformance.
pydocstyle PEP 257 (docstring style) conformance.
yapf Formatting code.
pytest Testing.
pytest-cov Code coverage.
sphinx Documentation.
sphinx-autobuild Fast iterations on documentation.
sphinx_rtd_theme Read the Docs theme for documentation.
toml Reading the version from pyproject.toml.